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The best way to end up with a great and

a strong idea is to destroy it and to prove your idea won’t work, or isn't needed.

Impulsive ideas are easy to get hung up on and can be a distraction. 


Our approach with “This is Not” is about problem solving that can be applied to any subject that requires critical thinking. The methodology commonly referred also to as « design thinking » is a proven and repeatable problem-solving protocol that any business or profession can employ to achieve extraordinary results.


From Wikipedia: Herbert Simon, in The Sciences of the Artificial (MIT Press, 1969) has defined “design” as the “transformation of existing conditions into preferred ones.” Design thinking is, then, always linked to an improved future. Unlike critical thinking, which is a process of analysis and is associated with the ‘breaking down’ of ideas, design thinking is a creative process based around the ‘building up’ of ideas. There are no judgments in design thinking. This eliminates the fear of failure and encourages maximum input and participation. Wild ideas are welcome, since these often lead to the most creative solutions. Everyone is a designer, and design thinking is a way to apply design methodologies to any of life’s situations.


Pablo Picasso said, “Every act of creation is first an act of destruction.”

Our methodology is to stick our ideas and projects through different stage process
—a stress test— to see how they stand up
to scrutiny. 

Define the problem
Create and consider many options
Destroy the solution
Refine selected directions
Pick the winner


This repeatable process employ a unique and creative techniques which yield guaranteed results that usually exceed initial expectations. Extraordinary results
that leapfrog the expected.

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